Why Table Tap?

Table Tap is the original pioneer of self-pour technology in the United States. We have more experience and have installed more self-pour beer systems than any other company in the world, beating out our competitor’s time and time again. With our talented team and turnkey solution, we have the ability to set up your self-pour operation correctly the first time around. Our competitors do not always install their own hardware and feel comfortable putting their technology in the hands of field technicians who may or may not have experience with a self-pour system. Not us. We take pride in doing it ourselves, making sure we get it right every step of the way.  Through our collaborative planning process and technical expertise, we tailor your installation to insure your self-pour establishment has what it needs to execute flawlessly.


Foamy Beer - AC power V. DC power 

At Table Tap, we have the ability to adapt. Our technology and flow valves are engineered to deliver the perfect pour no matter where they are located. With the Table Tap system AC v DC Power has little to no bearing on where valves and flow meters can be placed or the effectiveness of the technology. 

Table Tap’s valves are specifically engineered to pair with our proprietary tap controllers that minimize the emission of heat so it does not adversely impact the beverage in-line. We use special flow meters that are also designed specifically for beer to minimize turbulence on the liquid.  Our meters are more accurate than the competition. British Weights and Measures has approved them, which is the most highly scrutinized measurement certification a beverage system can attain. In terms of location, we are able to locate our flow meters close to the tap or far away from the tap in the walk-in cooler.  In fact, the further away from the faucet that the valve and flow meter sit, the more likely it is to get foam; hence the reason we keep them closer to the faucet. Yet, there are a variety of factors that influence where the best place to install the valves and flow meters such as layouts, monitor controls, walk-in coolers, etc. Table Tap technology is engineered to adapt to any factors and obstacles that may come our way.

iPad High Def Retina Screens  

Rather than their self designed screens Table Tap systems utilize iPads, the best, most reliable hardware that is preferred by many hospitality technology companies and deployed in a commercial setting.  Out of 1,000 iPads deployed in the market for several years, we have had an issue with batteries swelling only a handful of times and likely due to customers not using our recommended enclosures.  Our systems also enable wifi connectivity, rather than being limited to only hard wired solution.  Table Tap uses commercial grade Access Points paired with Apple iPads to deliver the most reliable wifi connection possible and has not proven to be an issue at all.  If you prefer to hardwire your iPads via an ethernet cable for security reasons, we are able to hardwire them as well.  


Lowest Cost of Ownership 

With Table Tap, you know exactly what you are paying for. We charge our customers a fixed monthly fee for software licensing and technical support, no hidden fees and no surprise costs.  At Table Tap, we don’t believe in making money off of your success and charging you for using our support team. We want you to find comfort in knowing what your monthly bill will look like so you can manage your cash flow and plan accordingly.  The fixed monthly fee includes all remote technical support and the Table Tap support team is ready and available round the clock to help ensure your business runs smoothly.


Company Size and Experience/ Best Support 

Did you know that Table Tap is the longest standing self pour company in the world? Table Tap’s  advanced technology and trusted team, give us an edge time and time again. Our technology provider is a team of software developers who are constantly working to evolve our system. Having a team of engineers who are fully committed to developing our technology allows us to focus on marketing, sales, installation, service and support. Table Tap has a full team of project managers and support experts devoted to every one of our customers. We pride ourselves in being an attentive and responsive self-pour partner.  We have a dedicated Director of Technical Support and everyone at Table Tap helps to take call and assist where needed.  99% of our support issues are resolved within a half hour of notification.  Anything you need, Table Tap is here to help, plus we have a 100% uptime guarantee.


Open API

Table Tap is the only self-pour provider with a fully integrated, in-house, IOS based, point-of-sale solution. Your establishment can fully operate our self-pour system without having to touch any third party software or common tasks such as switching brands on taps, images, logos changing pricing, creating RFID cards, etc. Our technology remains connected and limits the amount of issues that can arise because we do everything in-house. Third party integrations will never be as seamlessly integrated as one complete system for operating your establishment.  

Cards, Wristbands and Key Fobs

Here at Table Tap, we’ve developed a card-based system to track all transactions made by a customer. Upon arrival, each customer will receive a RFID card uploaded with his or her information. They will then use this card to purchase food, beverages, merchandise and gaming credits as they please. When a customer is finished, they can simply check out using the card tracked with their purchase history. Member cards allow guests to minimize touch points with staff since they are able to load additional credit on their RFID card via our smartphone App without interacting with the staff or having to hand over a credit card.  Our card-based system eliminates the need for waiters and waitresses to track every order, minimizing order error and saving you money. We also use secure, high frequency RFID technology to ensure every customers’ information is safe and uncompromised. If you opt out of using the card-system, our POS system allows for traditional tabs not tied to RFID technology.  Our revolutionary RFID card based systems is an improvement over other’s RFID wristbands which now trigger concerns over sanitation.  

Table Tap is composed of a team of technologists, beverage dispensing specialist and craft beer enthusiasts dedicated to the pursuit of hoppiness!